Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tune-In Tuesday #10 ~ For Real

I type my titles before I actually write my posts. Otherwise, I forget to add a title! So, this was written in hopes that Grooveshark actually wants to WORK this week! I'm calling this #10 because last time Grooveshark wasn't working. Anyway, it's time for Tune-In Tuesday.

For the newbies: Tune-In Tuesday is something I (try to) do every week. I LOVE music – almost as much as I love reading. And, I figured that my blog is the perfect place to share music with you. Generally, it will be my favorites. Songs that touch me, songs that move me, songs that I love for any reason. Sometimes they'll be songs I heard recently that I like or songs that are pertinent to me at that time for reasons I'll explain in my post. If you love music – or just have some songs to share, too – please play along. For now, just leave me a comment with your link. When we get some more participation, I'll make a button and get us a Linky to make sharing easier!

Now that that's out of the way, here's this week's Tune-In Tuesday Music:

1. Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) by Beyonce ~ I'm not too into Beyonce. Never have been. But, my daughter has been singing this lately – because the kid next door does. (I'm guessing it's the Chippettes' version, but I figure that'd be annoying, so we'll go with the original! ;-) )

2.Lead Me by Sanctus Real ~ I recently heard this one. WOW! I so wish this would hit home with my husband ...

I am so proud of myself! I did it – ahead of time, too! :-D I'm really, really hoping I can get into a routine with this!

So, anyone out there have music to share? I wanna know what you (or your kids, I suppose LOL) are listening to!


hotpants™ said...

I'm not a huge Beyonce fan myself, but I love that song. It's just too catchy.

I'm stopping by from SITS to say hello.

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