Saturday, April 2, 2011

A to Z Challenge: A

A = April Already

How is that even possible? How can the first quarter of 2011 be over already? It seems like Christmas just ended and we just celebrated the new year. How can it be that we're already into the fourth month of the year?

Don't get me wrong. I am so ready for spring. Spring couldn't be here soon enough this year. But, still. How is it April already?

Maybe if the weather was more springlike it wouldn't be such a shock that we're already into April? Whatever it is, I just cannot believe April has arrived.



Patricia Stoltey said...

Our weather in Northern Colorado turned warm in March so my daffodils have been blooming for a couple of weeks. Even so, April came as a big shock and the A to Z challenge was a mighty jolt. It's spring, by gosh, and time to spring into action. :)

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