Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Bitof Me(Me): School Time

Hosted by There's a Book, this is one question every week to help bloggers get to know each other. The latest post/question (and linky) can be found HERE.

This Week's Question: What are/were your favorite subjects in school?

My Answer: No surprise to anyone who knows me, my favorite subject was English. I loved reading, and was good at writing about it. It was one of few subjects that came very easily to me. I was actually inspired by my AP English teacher my senior, and I think he's why I chose to major in English.

I also really liked biology, and briefly considered majoring in it. Until my senior year (when I had a horrible teacher), I also really liked math – because I was good at it.

Finally, anything music-oriented, especially choir, was also a HUGE favorite.



The1stdaughter said...

I definitely enjoyed choir and all of my music classes. I don't know if I would have survived high school without them to be honest.

Isn't it funny how teachers can make or break the things we love? Well, maybe not funny. That's most of the reason I didn't enjoy English in high school, bad teachers. So sad.

ham1299 said...

Teachers can definitely make or break a subject for someone. My pre-calculus teacher ruined math for me ...

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