Thursday, April 21, 2011

A to Z Challenge: R

R = Riyria

Most of you, I'm sure, are wondering what the heck Riyria is. Well, it's a realm. It's also part of a title of a series that I am in LOVE with: The Riyria Revelations. The author is Michael J. Sullivan, one of my favorite contemporary authors.

I discovered his books on a whim, when his wife approached me about getting the first book in the series, The Crown Conspiracy, at a discounted price. I decided to go for it, and have never ever even considered regretting it! I have since read the following five books, with the sixth coming my way in the next few weeks. And I cannot wait. How many teen (and not-so-teen) girls around the country couldn't wait for the release of Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn. That's how excited I am. I am not exaggerating.

You see, The Crown Conspiracy is the book that reacquainted me with my love of reading. It's the book that reminded me why I love to read, and why fantasy is one of my favorite genres. It got me back in touch with my inner book nerd. And I haven't looked back since.

The series gets better and better as it progresses through the books. And that's why I just cannot wait to read the end. (Although, it will be bittersweet, as is often the case at the end of any type of series.) Best of all, this series was picked up by Orbit Books (an imprint of Hachette), making its awesomeness official.



Sherrie said...

Hi Heather,
Sounds like a great series. I've not read this author, I'll have to check the books out. Have a great day!

Just Books

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