Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

I promise. This will not be a blog that's just a bunch of memes and unoriginal content. I will post other stuff, too. I just have to find the time. So, until then, please be patient with my momentary meme-heavy blog. I do find stuff like this fun, so it's not like I'm doing it simply to have something on my blog! ;-) Anyway ...

1. I can't believe it's April already! Where the hell have January, February, and March gone?

2. Jesus died for everyone.

3. How can I live without you ... hee hee, LeeAnn Rimes (and I think someone else, too) did this song awhile ago. It popped into my head when I read the beginning of this.

4. The kids' lunch today was the last thing I cooked.

5. Six of one half a dozen of the other.

6. (Mind is blank on this one - is that a good thing?); nonono!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on reading, and possibly my mom visiting, tomorrow my plans include a way-too-early soccer game for Abby, then more reading (of course) – unless my mom is here – and Sunday, I want to enjoy the time and/or read (oh, yeah, and there's laundry to do, too)!

Wanna play along? Go HERE.



Momgen said...

Yes Jesus died for everyone... happy FFI! mine is up.

Mine is here

Anonymous said...

I need to catch up on my reading too! Happy Friday!

Pain SUX said...

Looks like many of us want to catch up on our reading :)

Have a great weekend.

~Steph (Karma Is...)

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