Thursday, May 6, 2010

Note to Self

Hey, you!


Yep. YOU.

What now?

Remember that recent post about going the Wrong Way?

Yeah, what about it?

Feel free to make that U-turn any time now. I mean, really. Not that I'm in a rush to get back into shape or anything. It's just, well, swimsuit season is just about here. And shorts. And tanks. And, well,  you get the idea. ...


I'm just sayin' ...


Don't MAKE me force you to EXERCISE!



Christine D. said...

You can totally do it! I know you can. If you like, I can share the site of a woman I follow. She posts all sorts of exercises and her stuff is free to view. I've been doing some of her exercises for only 20 mins a day and I've seen tons of results. No gym is required either, it's all done with one's own body weight. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you the link.

And if you need an exercise buddy to hold you accountable, count me in! Remember, only 20 mins a day...I had to really think about how short a time that really is...that's less than a kid's show. Not bad!

MaryAnne said...

Good luck! I need to get some exercise too...

ham1299 said...

MaryAnne ~ Thanks. Good luck to you, too!

Chris ~ I would LOVE that! Thank you! :-) Oh, totally unrelated, but did you get that last e-mail about your button?

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